Saturday, March 27, 2010
Launch Party
Join us for the launch of our 9th issue: Weds, Apr 7 at Folsom St Coffee in Boulder from 5-7pm featuring live performances and readings from selected authors and musicians, and free food and refreshments provided by Folsom St Coffee.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Last Call for Submissions
Only 3 days left to submit for consideration in our 9th issue, themed "Bad Timing". E-mail your work to: sub.scribesasc@gmail.com.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Extended Call for Submissions
If our deadline of March 1 seemed to have approached too quickly, we hope that you will consider submitting between now and our extended deadline, March 15.
For details, see the previous post or visit our website.
For details, see the previous post or visit our website.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Call For Submissions
Hello sub-scribe readers and submitters! We are currently accepting submissions for the Spring 2010 issue of sub-scribe Magazine.
"Bad Timing"
This issue's theme is Bad Timing. As with any of our themes, you are free to interpret "Bad Timing" however you like.

How to Submit
To submit to sub-scribe, please send a new e-mail to sub.scribeSASC@gmail.com with a picture of you (or one that represents you), a short biography in plain text, and your work attached by March 1st.
Please categorize your work and put one of the following words in the subject line of your e-mail:
Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Politics, Memoir, Music, Visual, or Other
* Please change the subject line to the appropriate category if you reply to this message.
Submission Guidelines
Visual: Submit your best quality photo or image. We accept any file format, but prefer high resolution and lossless formats.
Audio: We accept any file format, but prefer MP3's. Files will be converted to a 128Kbps MP3 for our website.
Written: No hard limit on word count. We accept only DOC and PDF formats. Files will be uploaded on our Scribd account to preserve the formatting of your work when embedded on our website.
"Bad Timing"
This issue's theme is Bad Timing. As with any of our themes, you are free to interpret "Bad Timing" however you like.

If only… the engine had started, you hadn't opened that door, you hadn't waited so long, you'd asked for that number, if you hadn't had to do it all yourself, hadn't missed that train, hadn't thrown off the symphony by missing that note. If things had coincided to your calculations, your big moment / day / life wouldn't feel like such a misdelivered punch line. If you could somehow master time or make it go away… it still wouldn't be your friend.
How to Submit
To submit to sub-scribe, please send a new e-mail to sub.scribeSASC@gmail.com with a picture of you (or one that represents you), a short biography in plain text, and your work attached by March 1st.
Please categorize your work and put one of the following words in the subject line of your e-mail:
Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Politics, Memoir, Music, Visual, or Other
* Please change the subject line to the appropriate category if you reply to this message.
Submission Guidelines
Visual: Submit your best quality photo or image. We accept any file format, but prefer high resolution and lossless formats.
Audio: We accept any file format, but prefer MP3's. Files will be converted to a 128Kbps MP3 for our website.
Written: No hard limit on word count. We accept only DOC and PDF formats. Files will be uploaded on our Scribd account to preserve the formatting of your work when embedded on our website.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Spring 2010
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Recovery Launch Party
We will be launching the Recovery magazine issue on Thursday, November 19 at Burnt Toast (1235 Pennsylvania Ave, Boulder, CO). The party starts at 5:30PM. Free food and beverages will be provided by Burnt Toast. Recovering alcoholics: Don't worry, alcohol will not be served. :-)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Call For Submissions - Theme: Recovery
This issue's theme is Recovery. As with any of our themes, you are free to interpret this however you like. We have extended the submissions deadline to October 31.
We have all recovered from something. Our first spill after taking the training wheels off our bikes, bullshitting our way through an exam we forgot to study for, finally getting your hands around the ball after a serious fumble.Click here to view a larger "Call for Submissions" flyer.
Most of us as we grow older have recovered from more serious life-events: heartbreak, depression, loss, death, addiction, discrimination, violence, illness...
But after we are knocked on our asses by our glaring fragility as humans, we come face-to-face with that mysterious invisible something that makes us pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and Recover.
Again and again and again.
If you would like to submit to sub-scribe Magazine, please e-mail us at sub.scribesasc@gmail.com with your piece(s) attached. Please observe the Submission Guidelines at the end of this post.
Recovery Launch Party
We will be launching the Recovery magazine issue on November 19th at Burnt Toast (1235 Pennsylvania Ave, Boulder, CO). Time TBD (check sub-scribe.org for the latest). Free food and beverages will be provided by Burnt Toast. Recovering alcoholics: Don't worry, alcohol will not be served. :-)
If you would like to elaborate on, recite, or perform your work at the launch party, please e-mail us so we can schedule you in.
Submission Guidelines
Visual: Show off your work in the best possible quality by sending us a high resolution, high DPI, and lossless file of your piece. We can work with any file format. Files will be converted to a high quality JPEG for the web.
Audio: Make sure to record your audio piece as professionally as you can so there is little to no background noise. We can take any file format, but prefer .mp3's. Files will be converted to a high quality MP3 for the web.
Written: Format your paper as cleanly and as readable as possible. Set fonts, margins, and other properties. We can take .doc and .pdf formats. Files will be uploaded on our Scribd account to preserve the formatting on our website as an embedded object.
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